Category Archives: Academic Articles

Paul Manning – Describing Dialect and Defining Civilization in an Early Georgian Nationalist Manifesto: Ilia Ch‘avch’avadze’s “Letters of a Traveler”.

In this paper, author is primarily interested in exploring the rhetorical opposition between form and content in Lelt Ghunia’s speech, whose correct realistic representation Chavchavadze presents, in his coda, as being the only project of the text 다운로드. Author argues that Chavchavadze uses this opposition both to naturalize his own relationship to the peasant Lelt Ghunia as a member of the “intelligentsia” to the “people”, creating an organic unity of language, a nation 다운로드.

Manning, H. P. (2004). Describing Dialect and Defining Civilization in an Early Georgian Nationalist Manifesto: Ilia Ch ‘avch’avadze’s “Letters of a Traveler” 다운로드.The Russian Review, 63(1), 26-47.

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Kevin Tuite – The Rise and Fall and Revival of the Ibero-Caucasian Hypothesis

The hypothesis that the three indigenous Caucasian language stocks (Abkhaz-Adyghean, Nakh-Daghestanian, and Kartvelian) are genetically related has little support at the present day among linguists specializing in these languages 한글 파일 다운로드. Nonetheless, the so-called ‘Ibero-Caucasian’ hypothesis had strong institutional backing in Soviet Caucasology, especially in Georgia, and continues to be invoked in certain contemporary discourses of a political and identitarian nature 악인 전 다운로드. In this paper the history of the Ibero-Caucasian hypothesis will be presented against the background of research into the autochthonous languages of the North and South Caucasus, and also in connection with the historiographic debate over the relation of Abkhazia to Georgia

Tuite, K 오피스 365 proplus 다운로드. (2008). The rise and fall and revival of the Ibero-Caucasian hypothesis. Historiographia Linguistica, 35(1-2), 23-82.


Theodore P. Gerber and Karine Torosyan – Remittances in Georgia:  Correlates, Economic Impact, and Social Capital Formation

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Authors examine migrant-level, household-level, and contextual variables associated with the probability that a Georgian household receives remittances. The impact of remittances is especially pronounced in urban settings, less so in rural areas 바코드 128. Article also finds evidence for an aspect of remittances that has not been previously identified: they foster the formation of social capital because they increase the amount of money that households give as gifts to other households 다운로드.

Gerber, T. P., & Torosyan, K. (2010). Remittances in Georgia: Correlates, Economic Impact and Social Capital Transformation. Tbilisi State University, ISET Working Paper, No 다운로드. 002-10.



Mark R. Beissinger – Structure and Example in Modular Political Phenomena: The Diffusion of Bulldozer/Rose/Orange/Tulip Revolutions

The article develops an approach to the study of modular political phenomena (action based in significant part on emulation of the prior successful example of others), focusing on the trade-offs between the influence of example, structural facilitation, and institutional constraints 다운로드. The approach is illustrated through the example of the spread of democratic revolution in the post-communist region during the 2000–2006 period, with significant comparisons to the diffusion of separatist nationalism in the Soviet Union during the glasnost’ era 포켓몬go 다운로드.

Beissinger, M. R. (2007). Structure and example in modular political phenomena: The diffusion of bulldozer/rose/orange/tulip revolutions 겟 스마트.Perspectives on Politics, 5(02), 259-276.


George Papuashvili – The 1921 Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Georgia: Looking Back after Ninety Years

The 1921 Constitution can unquestionably be considered as one of the most advanced and perfect supreme legislative acts oriented towards human rights in the world for its time that is, the beginning of the twentieth century.The author argues that it reflects the most progressive legal and political discourse in practice or theory at that time in Western European countries or the USA 다운로드. As the main law of an independent democratic state, it established representative democracy as well as the system of democratic governance based on popular sovereignty by ensuring an independent judicial system 다운로드.

Papuashvili, G. (2012). The 1921 Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Georgia: Looking Back after Ninety Years. European Public Law, 18(2), 323-349 다운로드.
