Category Archives: State-Building

Joel Lazarus – Neo-Liberal State Building and Western ‘Democracy Promotion’: the Case of Georgia

크로스 컴파일러 다운로드

In this paper, author argues that, rather than promoting democracy, Western foreign policy and diplomatic strategies and aid interventions have actually served to reinforce what Levitsky and Way (2002, 2010) call ‘competitive authoritarianism’ and exacerbate political instability and conflict in the country 이미지 한번에 다운로드.

Lazarus, J. (2010, September). Neo-liberal State Building and Western ‘Democracy Promotion’: The Case of Georgia. In SGIR 7th Pan-European Conference, Stockholm, Sweden 다운로드.


Vladimer Papava – Anatomical Pathology of Georgia’s Rose Revolution


Why did the November-2007 events come as a complete surprise to the West? To answer the question it would be useful to analyze once again all those key tendencies and developments that took place in Georgia after the Rose Revolution 샤오미 와이파이 다운로드.

Papava, V. (2009). Anatomical Pathology of Georgia’s Rose Revolution. Current Politics and Economics of the Caucasus Region, 2(1), 1-18 다운로드.


The South Caucasus 2018: Facts, Trends, Future Scenarios


Models of economic and social developments, scenarios for domestic politics, the role of EU engagement and the possible Europeanization of national policies as well as outlooks for cooperation in the energy sector – articles of the collection cover not all but the most relevant topics in the South Caucasus of today and years to come 다운로드.

The South Caucasus 2018: Facts, Trends, Future Scenarios (2013). Tbilisi, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS).



David Aphrasidze & David Siroky – Frozen Transitions and Unfrozen Conflicts, Or What Went Wrong in Georgia?


This article analyzes the dynamics of development, democracy, and conflict in Georgia, focusing on variation in state capacity, political institutions and varieties of nationalism 카 1 더빙 다운로드. It illustrates the relevance of Huntington’s discussion of political order in changing societies and points to the increased likelihood of instability in the absence of entrenched institutional mechanisms 다운로드.

Aphrasidze, D., & Siroky, D. (2010). Frozen Transitions and Unfrozen Conflicts, or What went Wrong in Georgia. Yale Journal of International Affairs5, 121
