Tag Archives: Political Economy

Alexi Gugushvili – Political Economy of Old-age Pension Reforms in Georgia

beyond compare 다운로드

The paper examines the factors that played a major role in development of the old-age pension system in Georgia. Based on data collected from 1991–2009, this analysis centers on the system’s patterns of development and identifies four main attempts to reform the old-age pension system 구글 뮤직 음악.

Gugushvili, A. (2009). Political Economy of old-age Pension Reforms in Georgia. Caucasian Review of International Affairs3(4) 핫메일 메신저 다운로드.


Barbara Christophe – From Hybrid Regime to Hybrid Capitalism? The Political Economy of Georgia under Eduard Shevardnadze

인스타그램 컴퓨터 다운로드

After a brief outline of the main developmental trends since 1990, author uses “the heuristic lenses provided by the varieties-of-capitalism approach to scrutinize the mode of corporate governance that has emerged in Georgia.” She pays “special attention to two interrelated aspects: the impact of donor competition on economic reforms in general and on the outcomes of the privatisation process in particular.”

Christophe, B., (2005). From Hybrid Regime to Hybrid Capitalism 전투3 다운로드? The Political Economy of Georgia under Eduard Shevardnadze. Center for Contemporary European Studies, Conference paper for the conference Varieties of capitalism in post-communist countries, 23-24 September 2005, University of Paisley 붐비치.
