Tag Archives: Clientelism

Christoph H. Stefes – Understanding Post-Soviet Transitions: Corruption, Collusion and Clientelism


Corruption, collusion and clientelism are pervasive legacies of Soviet rule in most successor states of the Soviet Union asynctask 다운로드. This legacy has been a major obstacle to the development of viable democratic and market institutions. Analyzing the political and economic developments of Armenia and Georgia, this book demonstrates how systemic corruption undermines the rule of law which is crucial for democracy and a market economy 몬스터헌터 3rd. It argues that the tumultuous political transition of Georgia has created an anarchic system of corruption that is disastrous for economic development and people’s welfare 210 청춘시대. In contrast, the Armenian government has maintained some control over the corrupt system, ameliorating the consequences of systemic corruption.

Stefes, C 이비스 다운로드. H. (2006). Understanding Post-Soviet Transitions: Corruption, Collusion and Clientelism. Palgrave Macmillan.

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Charles H. Fairbanks Jr. – Beria, His Enemies and Their Georgian Clienteles, 1949-1953

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Any consideration of the relation between Transcaucasian politics and national Soviet politics during the Stalin era must begin from the fact that Transcaucasia was a political unit of an unusual kind, having an unusual relation to the center 한컴 바탕체 다운로드. The first indication of this that comes to sight, perhaps, is the relationship of Transcaucasia to Beria.

Fairbanks Jr, C. H. (1980). Beria, his enemies, and their Georgian clienteles, 1949-1953 슬픈다짐 다운로드. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars; Kennan Institute Occasional Paper Series #119.
