Tag Archives: Transition

Eveline Baumann – Post-Soviet Georgia: It’s a Long, Long Way to “Modern” Social Protection…

위닝일레븐 다운로드

This paper is about the ups and downs of setting up a social protection system in Georgia. Whereas in the aftermath of the dismantling of the USSR, a shock therapy was not feasible from a political and economic point of view, the Rose Revolution and the perspective of Georgia “going West” have given an impetus to ultra-liberal social reforms 사랑에 빠진 걸까요 다운로드. However, against the background ofrecurrent social tensions, one cannot exclude a shift towards a more democratic provision of social services.

Baumann, E 다운로드. (2012). Post-Soviet Georgia: It’s a Long, Long Way to” Modern” Social Protection… Economies et Socihes, Serie « Developpement, croissance et progres », F, n° 46, 2/2012, p 스티브 잡스 자서전 pdf 다운로드. 259-285


Thomas de Waal – Georgia’s Choices: Charting a Future in Uncertain Times

Georgia is entering a period of transition, with parliamentary and presidential elections due in 2012‒2013, after which a new constitution will take effect 교통표지판. The current government has made good progress in building a functioning state that delivers services to citizens, but Georgia’s economic picture is increasingly uncertain 다운로드.

After years of governing in an informal and improvisational way, the Georgian government needs to build institutions and choose a long-term development model 다운로드. Three ideas pull Georgia in different directions. The European Union (EU) offers … Georgia the best hope of long-term development and a European anchor 윈집 무료 다운로드.

De Waal, T. (2011). Georgia’s Choices: Charting a Future in Uncertain Times. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
