Category Archives: Publication Type

George Khelashvili – Georgian Perceptions of the North Caucasus and of US-Russian Relations

The main argument of this paper is that neither the Georgian nor Russian government has changed its position in the conflict or its underlying assumptions about regional politics — this situation sets the “frozen” conflict on an unavoidable collision course over the next few years 다운로드. This danger is also due to a certain angle entertained by the current Georgian leadership in its confrontation with Russia as a response to the obvious power asymmetry between the two countries 스나이퍼 엘리트 다운로드. First, the Georgian government cautiously sought to undermine Russia’s authority in the North Caucasus. Second, Saakashvili apparently tried to re-open the rift in US-Russian relations in order to capitalize on the two great powers’ differences 다운로드. This paper examines underlying assumptions and possible implications of these two approaches.

Khelashvili, G. (2011). Georgian Perceptions of the North Caucasus and of U.S.-Russian Relations 다운로드. PONARS Eurasia Memo 148


Human Rights Watch – Singled Out: Russia’s Detention and Expulsion of Georgians

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This 78-page report documents the Russian government’s arbitrary and illegal detention and expulsion of Georgians, including many who legally lived and worked in Russia 고화질 뮤직 비디오.

Human Rights Watch (2007). Singled Out: Russia’s Detention and Expulsion of Georgians: Russia, Vol. 19, No. 5(D)



National Security Concept of Georgia, 2011

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Georgia is publishing its National Security Concept for the second time. The document reflects the changes that have taken place in the security environment of Georgia, as well as their influence on the threats and challenges to national security 다운로드.
The National Security Concept of Georgia is the basic document that explains fundamental national values and national interests, the vision of the nation’s secure development, threats, risks and challenges, and establishes the main directions for national security policy 명탐정 코난 극장판.


Julie A. George – The Politics of Ethnic Separatism in Russia and Georgia

크로스오버 모니터 드라이버 다운로드

This book investigates the roots of ethnic separatism in the Russian Federation and post-Soviet Georgia. It considers why regional leaders in both countries chose violent or non-violent strategies to achieve their political, economic, and personal goals 로터스 노츠.

George, J. A. (2009). The politics of ethnic separatism in Russia and Georgia. Palgrave Macmillan.



Thomas de Waal – So Long, Saakashvili


Saakashvili used charm as the centerpiece of his grand strategy for winning over the West. The question is not why this strategy failed but why it lasted as long as it did 토닥토닥 꼬모 다운로드.

De Waal, T. (2013). So Long, Saakashvili. Foreign Affairs. 


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