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ახალი პუბლიკაციები: აგვისტო-სექტემბერი 2015


Blauvelt, T. K., & Smith, J. (Eds.). (2016). Georgia after Stalin: Nationalism and Soviet Power. Routledge.

This book explores events in Georgia in the years following Stalin’s death in March 1953, especially the demonstrations of March 1956 and their brutal suppression, in order to illuminate the tensions in Georgia between veneration of the memory of Stalin, a Georgian, together with the associated respect for the Soviet system that he had created, and growing nationalism. The book considers how not just Stalin but also his wider circle of Georgians were at the heart of the Soviet system, outlines how greatly Stalin was revered in Georgia, and charts the rise of Khrushchev and his denunciation of Stalin. It goes on to examine the different strands of the rising Georgian nationalist movements, discusses the repressive measures taken against demonstrators, and concludes by showing how the repressions transformed a situation where Georgian nationalism, the honouring of Stalin’s memory and the Soviet system were all aligned together into a situation where an increasingly assertive nationalist movement was firmly at odds with the Soviet Union 크레이지 아케이드 apk 다운로드.

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Albulescu, A. M. (2015). Reassessing Security in the South Caucasus: Regional Conflicts and Transformation. European Security, 0(0), 1–2.

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Aliyev, H. (2015). Examining the Use of Informal Networks by NGOs in Azerbaijan and Georgia. Journal of Civil Society, 11(3), 317–332.

To date little is known about the non-governmental organizations’ (NGOs) use of informal networks, contacts and connections, as well as about the ‘informalization’ of post-communist civil society in the former Soviet Union. Research on the subject has been mostly restricted to the study of civil society organizations in Central Eastern Europe, the Balkans and Russia, leaving the use and significance of informality among the South Caucasus’s NGOs largely ignored 다운로드. Drawing on qualitative in-depth elite interviews, this study examines the importance of informal networking within the NGO sectors of post-Soviet-rule Azerbaijan and Georgia. The findings of this study document that in Azerbaijan and Georgia the practices of using informal networks of relying on patron–client relations with donors and of individuals using their positions within organizations for profit-making are widespread among the NGOs included in this research.

Broers, L., Iskandaryan, A., & Minasyan, S. (2015). Introduction: The Unrecognized Politics of de facto States in the Post-Soviet space. Caucasus Survey, 0(0), 1–8.

Introducing this special issue of Caucasus Survey on the unrecognized politics of de facto states in the post-Soviet space, this article discusses some of the key problems involved in the study of these entities 모드 오거나이저 2. It relates the origins of the articles contained in this collection and briefly introduces the main themes they deal with: the definition, representational politics, resourcing and engagement of de facto states.

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Dafflon, D. (2015). Ethnic Policies in Post-Soviet States: How Inclusive is Georgia? IICEES World Congress, 3-8 August 2015. 

Georgia is certainly one of the states of the former Soviet Union in which the national-building process is the mostcomplex. Ethnic diversity which characterizes Georgia makes it by essence a multi-ethnic state. However, thedebate on diversity and on the degree of inclusion of the different ethnic groups composing the Georgian nationremains extremely vivid in the country 전세 계약서 다운로드. It particularly concerns the Armenian community of Georgia, representingapproximately 7%.

The seizure of power by Mikheil Saakashvili in 2003 was accompanied by a more inclusive discourse on thenation, thus instilling among the representatives of national minorities the hope of better opportunities in terms ofpolitical participation and economic inclusion. Simultaneously to this new civic discourse, the authorities aimedto restore their presence on the territory inhabited by ethnic minorities through both concrete and symbolic statebuildingmeasures. Thus, the state based its integration policy on strong imposition of the state language uponrepresentatives of national minorities, hoping to strengthen their feeling of belonging to Georgia as a state.

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Kabachnik, P., Gugushvili, A., & Jishkariani, D 다운로드. (2015). A Personality Cult’s Rise and Fall: Three Cities after Khrushchev’s “Secret Speech” and the Stalin Monument that Never Was. Region: Regional Studies of Russia, Eastern Europe, and Central Asia, 4(2), 309–326.

Recently, in post-Soviet space, new Stalin statues have been created, and old ones have reappeared. These battles, both symbolic and material, over monuments fuel and exemplify contemporary “memory wars.” This article highlights the disparate meanings of three historical Stalin monuments that served as focal points for three major cases of mass demonstrations during Khrushchev’s de-Stalinization campaign: Tbilisi, Budapest, and Prague. Next, drawing on newly found materials from Tbilisi’s Central Committee Archive of the Communist Party of Georgia, this article discusses Bogdan Muradovich Kirakosian’s never-realized project to build a massive Stalin monument that would have overlooked Tbilisi php txt. Last is the analysis of survey data that captures individuals’ attitudes towards Stalin for those born in Georgia before 1945 in order to surmise how such a grand monument to Stalin would have been received at the time.

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Paul, A. (2015). The EU in the South Caucasus and the Impact of the Russia-Ukraine War. The International Spectator, 50(3), 30–42.

Despite hopes that it would act as a transformative tool in the South Caucasus to strengthen democracy, stability, security and regional cooperation, the Eastern Partnership (EaP) has produced limited results, with the region more fragmented today than it was five years ago. Russia’s war against Ukraine has further exacerbated the situation, raising concerns over the extent to which South Caucasus countries can genuinely rely on the West 시크릿 쥬쥬 11 기 다운로드. Today, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan have different geostrategic trajectories. While Georgia has stuck to the Euro-Atlantic track, Armenia joined the Russian-led Eurasian Union in January 2015. Meanwhile Azerbaijan has the luxury of choosing not to choose. Developments in the region have demonstrated that a ‘one size fits all’ approach does not work and a more differentiated policy is required.

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Slade, G. (2015). Violence as Information During Prison Reform: Evidence from the Post-Soviet Region. British Journal of Criminology.

When reform occurs in prison systems, prisoner insecurity increases 다운로드. One reason for this is disorganization. The disruption to informal governance structures, distributions of power and mechanisms for establishing trust causes conflicts. This paper argues that a key mechanism linking disorganization to conflict and violence is information flow. Incomplete information in interpersonal interaction marks prison settings. Informal institutions for producing certainty for both staff and prisoners emerge to overcome this. Such institutions are handicapped by reform directed at reducing informal prisoner controls. In such cases, violence becomes an information-generating activity and can substitute for reputation. The paper examines this proposition as it applies to prisoners and staff through a critical case study of radical prison reform in the South Caucasus country of post-Soviet Georgia bootcamp 3.0 다운로드.

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Skhirtladze, N., Javakhishvili, N., Schwartz, S. J., Beyers, W., & Luyckx, K. (2015). Identity Processes and Statuses in Post-Soviet Georgia: Exploration Processes Operate Differently. Journal of Adolescence.

When reform occurs in prison systems, prisoner insecurity increases. One reason for this is disorganization. The disruption to informal governance structures, distributions of power and mechanisms for establishing trust causes conflicts 다운로드. This paper argues that a key mechanism linking disorganization to conflict and violence is information flow. Incomplete information in interpersonal interaction marks prison settings. Informal institutions for producing certainty for both staff and prisoners emerge to overcome this. Such institutions are handicapped by reform directed at reducing informal prisoner controls. In such cases, violence becomes an information-generating activity and can substitute for reputation. The paper examines this proposition as it applies to prisoners and staff through a critical case study of radical prison reform in the South Caucasus country of post-Soviet Georgia.

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Zarifian, J. (2015). U.S. Foreign Policy in the 1990s and 2000s, and the Case of the South Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia). European journal of American studies, (Vol 10, no 2).

The foreign policy of the Bill Clinton and George W. Bush administrations in the South Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia) shows U.S. foreign policy under a rather positive light. With consistency and continuity, they were able to implement a multidimensional realistic foreign policy, the main manifestations of which allowed the U.S. to gain, in a few years, solid political, economic, military, and diplomatic leverages. Its vital interests were not at stake in the region and, from the early 1990s onwards, it has been in the position of a potent “challenger” that worked on consolidating its position in order to be influential and powerful when and if necessary. Although it did not become the sole dominant regional power, the U.S. succeeded, mostly in the second half of the 1990s and the first half of the 2000s, in strongly geopolitically penetrating a region with which it previously had no contact and on which it had no major expertise.

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Stephen F. Jones (ed.) – The Making of Modern Georgia, 1918-2012. The First Georgian Republic and its Successor

როდესაც უმეტესი აღმოსავლეთ ევროპა ერთი ან მეორე სახის დიქტატურას ებრძოდა, საქართველოს დემოკრატიულმა რესპუბლიკამ (1918-1921) შექმნა კონსტიტუცია, პარლამენტური სისტემა ეროვნული არჩევნებით, აქტიური ოპოზიცია და თავისუფალი პრესა 피땀눈물 다운로드. 1918 წელს საქართველოს დემოკრატიული რესპუბლიკის მსგავსად, მისი მემკვიდრეებიც 1991 წელს უუნარო იმპერიიდან წარმოიშვნენ და კვლავ დაუდგათ ახლიდან ახალი ეკონომიკური, პოლიტიკური და სოციალუსი სისტემის წარმოშობის საკითხი 나의 왼발. 1918 და 1991 წლებში, საქართველო დაუპირისპირდა მტრულად განწყობილ რუსეთს და მიჰყვა პრო-დასავლურ და პრო-დემოკრატიულ კურსს 다운로드. ამ წიგნში წამყვანი რეგიონული ექსპერტები იკვლევენ საშინაო და საგარეო პარალელებს ადრეული მეოცე და ოცდამეერთე საუკუნის ქართულ პოსტ-კოლონიურ მთავრობებს შორის 다운로드. როგორ იმოქმედეს ორივე ეპოქის გამოუცდელმა ქართველმა ლიდერებმა სეცესიონიზმის პრობლემისას, რა იყო მათი სახელმწიფოს მშენებლობის სტრატეგიები და რას ნიშნავდა მათთვის დემოკრატია 엑소의 쇼타임 다운로드? როგორ გამოიყურებოდა მათი საარჩევნო სისტემები, რატომ იყო მათი ეკონომიკური სტრატეგიები ასე განსხვავებული და როგორ უმკლავდებოდნენ სამეზობლო საფრთხეებს 태블릿 윈도우 다운로드. ეს არის უმთავრესი გამოწვევები, რომელსაც დღეს მსოფლიოში ტრანზიციულ ხელისუფლებებს უდგათ 다운로드. ას წელზე მეტი ხნის საქართველოს გამოცდილება ამტკიცებს, რომ ისტორია და თანამედროვე პოლიტიკური ანალიზი გვაძლევს ყველაზე წინააღმდეგობრივი შედეგების საუკეთესო (და ყველაზე საინტერესო) ახსნას.

Jones, S. F. (2014). The Making of Modern Georgia, 1918-2012: The First Georgian Republic and Its Successors. Routledge.

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ახალი პუბლიკაციები: თებერვალი-მარტი 2015

წიგნები და თავები წიგნებიდან

MacFarlane, S. N. (2015). International Engagement and the Governance of Ethnic Diversity in Georgia. In Boulden, J., & Kymlicka, W. (Eds.). (2015), International Approaches to Governing Ethnic Diversity (243-261). Oxford University Press.

This chapter examines the role of international actors in the effort to contribute to the peaceful and democratic management of ethnic diversity. More specifically, Neil MacFarlane tries to answer what, if anything, does the Georgian case tell us about the phenomenon of international engagement in addressing sub-state ethnic diversity in this book chapter.

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Christophe, B 전서체폰트 다운로드. (2015). Corruption as Institution and Habitus: Georgia under Eduard Shevardnadze as Seen from the Perspective of Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of Practice. In Voell, S., & Kaliszewska, I. (Eds.), State and Legal Practice in the Caucasus: Anthropological Perspectives on Law and Politics (209-222). Ashgate Publishing, Ltd..

Barbara Christophe argues against the mainstream assumption that corruption serves as an indicator of state weakness by institutional failure in this book chapter. She concludes that corruption in Eduard Shevardnadze’s Georgia should be perceived as a complex institution in its own right and it contributed to the stabilization of existing power structures.

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Dunn, E 오글거려 다운로드. C., & Cowley, A. (2015). Capitalizing on Aid: Post-war Development and State-building in Georgia. In Voell, S., & Kaliszewska, I. (Eds.), State and Legal Practice in the Caucasus: Anthropological Perspectives on Law and Politics (171-186). Ashgate Publishing, Ltd..

In this chapter based on examination of the case of international aid to Georgia after the 2008 war with Russia, the authors conclude that rather than promoting democracy and reducing the causes of conflict, humanitarian funding is often co-opted by local authorities to consolidate power. This consolidation is often authoritarian: money for relief is often re-routed to feed the growth of police and security services, make citizens profoundly dependent on political officials and impede the development of other political parties.

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Delcour, L., & Wolczuk, K. (2015). Spoiler or facilitator of democratization?: Russia’s role in Georgia and Ukraine. Democratization, 1-20.

This article examines Russia’s reaction to political changes in Georgia and Ukraine in light of the interplay between the democracy-promotion policies implemented by the EU and US and domestic patterns of democratization 강식당3. We argue that despite the relatively weak impact of EU and US policies vis-à-vis domestic structures, Russia has responded harshly to (what it perceives as) a Western expansionist agenda in pursuit of reasserting its own hegemonic position in the post-Soviet space. However, coercive pressure from Russia has also unintended, counterproductive effects. We argue that the pressure has actually made Georgia and Ukraine more determined to pursue their pro- Western orientation and has spawned democratization, thereby supporting the objectives of the Western democracy promoters.

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Tolts, M. (2014). The Jews in Georgia in the Late Soviet Period: A Demographic Profile. Studies in Bukharan, Georgian, and Caucasian Jewry: Historical, Sociological, and Cultural Aspects, 102-116.

The demographic characteristics of the Jews in Georgia in the late Soviet period have never been deeply analyzed 다운로드. To ill this gap, this article will present in detail the age-sex structure, marital characteristics, family size and fertility of these Jews as a whole and Georgian Jews, the Georgian- speaking autochthonous Jewish sub-group, among them in particular. This demographic analysis if based on Soviet census data, especially those of 1959 and 1989.

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Gotsadze, G., Zoidze, A., Rukhadze, N., Shengelia, N., Chkhaidze, N. (2015). An impact evaluation of medical insurance for poor in Georgia: preliminary results and policy implications. Health Policy and Planning. Vol. 30. P. i2-i13.

The objective of this article is to assess the impact of the new health financing reform in Georgia—‘medical insurance for the poor (MIP)’—which uses private insurance companies and delivers state-subsidized health benefits to the poorest groups of the Georgian population. The MIP was not found to have a significant impact on service utilization growth nationwide, but in the capital city the MIP insured were 12% more likely to use formal health services and 7.6% more likely to use hospitals as compared with other areas of the country 다운로드. The MIP impact on out-of-pocket health expenditures was greater in reducing costs of accessing services. The cost reductions were sizable and more pronounced among the poorest. Finally, the MIP significantly increased the odds of obtaining free benefits by insured individuals as compared with the control group. Such an increase was most noticeable for the poorest third of the population.

მეტის ნახვა

Griffin, G., Noniashvili, M., & Enukidze, N. (2015). Consumer Behavior in The Republic of Georgia regarding FMCG Products: The role of Russia in affecting Consumer Behavior after reaching DCFTA with EU countries. Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research (JEECAR), 2(1), 1-7.

Until 2008, Russia was one of the major importers of Free Market Consumers Goods (FMCG) products from Georgia as well as a major exporter of FMCG products to Georgia 다운로드. After conducting a large-scale aggression against Georgia in August, 2008; occupation of two territories in Georgia, ethnic cleansing of people in those territories; and giving recognition of independence to these two territories; Georgia terminated diplomatic relations with Russian Federation on September 2, 2008. After Russo-Georgian war in 2008 the amount of imported food products from Russia decreased. The aim of the research is to study Georgian consumer behavior; identify the factors which influence consumer behavior as a result of the Russo-Georgian War and The European Union Association Agreement; and to analyze the impact of the occupation of the Georgian territories had on trade relations with Russia.

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Aliyev, H. (2015). Informal networks as sources of human (in) security in the South Caucasus. Global Change, Peace & Security, 1-16.

In contrast to numerous studies on exogenous mechanisms of human security – such as the provision of human security by international actors – this study examines the role of informal networks in providing ‘freedoms from want’ and ‘freedoms from fear’ to the population. With the primary focus on post-communist South Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia) this article conducts a rigorous examination of informal networks’ critical function as sources of human (in)security since the breakup of the Soviet Union 다운로드. Based on a combination of open-ended elite (expert) interviews, field observation and closed-ended survey data, this study demonstrates that apart from the informal networks’ crucial role in generating social capital and functioning as indispensable social safety nets, they also exacerbate human insecurity by cementing the traditions of clientelism and corruption that are deeply entrenched in the region.

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O’Loughlin, J., Kolossov, V., & Toal, G. (2015). Inside the post-Soviet de facto states: a comparison of attitudes in Abkhazia, Nagorny Karabakh, South Ossetia, and Transnistria. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 1-34.

Large representative public opinion surveys conducted by the authors in 2010–2011 in the four de facto states allow a deeper comprehension of internal political and social dynamics. Three main dimensions of their current status and orientation (relations with Russia, support for local institutions, and possibilities of post-war reconciliation) are examined using nine key comparative questions 다운로드. Nationality is the main predictor of divergent opinions within the republics, and results are reported along this dimension. Close relations with the external patron, support for the legitimacy and identity of the respective de facto republics, and little interest in returning to the parent state testify to the longevity and successful promotion of state and nation in the de facto republics in the Caucasus-Black Sea Region.

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Rinnert, D. (2015). The Politics of Civil Service and Administrative Reforms in Development—Explaining Within‐Country Variation of Reform Outcomes in Georgia after the Rose Revolution. Public Administration and Development, 35(1), 19-33.

This article examines the role of politics as a determinant of civil service and administrative (CSA) reform outcomes in Georgia. Comparing CSA reform outcomes in the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs in Georgia after the 2003 Rose Revolution through a matched case study, the article shows that certain countrywide legal adjustments, anti-corruption measures and context variables are necessary but insufficient conditions for successful reform 다운로드. While in general Georgia has achieved considerable success in its CSA reform efforts, the President’s leverage over reform implementation, leadership at the ministry level and the politics of foreign aid have led to significant variation in reform outcomes across the analysed institutions. In addition to this, institutional constraints reflecting inherent differences between policy sectors explain another part of the variation in outcomes in Georgia.

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Torosyan, K., Gerber, T. P., & Goñalons‐Pons, P. (2015). Migration, Household Tasks, and Gender: Evidence from the Republic of Georgia. International Migration Review, 1-30.

We examine whether migration affects the gender division of household tasks and participation in leisure within origin-country households using survey data from the Republic of Georgia matlab 무료. Our theoretical framework identifies two sets of mechanisms whereby migration might influence gender differences in home activities: migrant experience effects and migrant absence effects. We test for

both types of effects on the probability that men and women perform gender atypical household tasks and engage in leisure activities by comparing households with and without currently absent and return migrants using probit regressions. We find evidence for both migration absence and migration experience effects on gender differences in housework and leisure. However, these effects are complex and contradictory: generally, male migration tends to exacerbate gender differences in the sending household while female migration tends to ameliorate them.

მეტის ნახვა


Khuntsaria, T. (2014). External Democracy Promotion in Georgia: the Role of the European Union (Doctoral Dissertation, University Of Oxford).

Considering that the EU has devoted certain financial and technical resources to the country’s democratic development, legitimate questions arise about what role it has actually played in the country’s yet incomplete democratisation process. The puzzle of the present study thus is to understand and explain the relationship between the EU’s external political impact and democratisation in Georgia.

მეტის ნახვა

ახალი პუბლიკაციები: ნოემბერი-დეკემბერი 2014


Japaridze, E., Barkaia, M., Zhghenti, N., & Amashukeli, M. The Study of Georgian Youth’s Awareness, Perceptions and Attitudes of Gender Equality.

The aim of this study was to explore the nature of gender attitudes and beliefs among Georgian youth. Specifically, this study focuses on three intersecting themes: (1) attitudes towards gender roles at home (2) attitudes towards women’s careers (3) attitudes towards sexuality. These themes form gender beliefs, which in turn are a significant component of the gender system.


Rapp Jr, S. H. (2014). The Sasanian World through Georgian Eyes: Caucasia and the Iranian Commonwealth in Late Antique Georgian Literature. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. 여과와우유애정 다운로드.

Google Books

Jafarova, E. (2014). Conflict Resolution in South Caucasus: Challenges to International Efforts. Lexington Books.



Gevorkyan, A. V. (2014). The legends of the Caucasus: Economic transformation of Armenia and Georgia. International Business Review.

Considered peripheral in economic terms the structurally fragile Armenia and Georgia with obvious limitations are open to international business. This article constructs a compact analytical synthesis of the duo’s potential across macroeconomic, industrial, external exposure risk, institutional, and the Diaspora (dispersion) effects within the five forces model of the social and economic transformation. Post-Great Recession dynamic analysis, sketching sectoral and business trends, tackles issues of market entry and foreign investor strategy. Armenia’s impressive pre-crisis pattern has yet to be recovered, while Georgia’s post-crisis record has been more consistent with earlier years 다운로드. Armenia’s entrepreneurial and innovative capacity, vital to new business accommodation, ranks above Georgia’s, where traditional sectors are dominant. All in all there is a need for an individual, not “bulk”, analysis of the post-socialist periphery. Foreign firms’ managers are suited to gain if acquire local context and local (or Diaspora-) based partner (public or private) prior to regional or standalone entry. Despite multiple headwinds, both economies retain strong international business potential and hope for an economic and social resurrection.

Science direct

Charkviani, T. The Police System Reform in Georgia (Informal Power its Forms, Types and Spheres of Influence). International Journal of Area Studies,9(2), 95-112.

It is a widely accepted notion that the major change brought by the 2003 November revolution in Georgia was the reform of the public services 다운로드. Two major tasks were to be achieved for the state institutions: to monopolize the use of legitimate power on the state territory and to start providing services to the citizens. Police reform was at the heart of both these objectives. The major obstacle identified on the way of this reform was corruption. Indeed it was widely known that posts in police forces were to be purchased; policemen were involved in organized crime, extortion, and other illegal pursuits. But the corruption itself was the effect of the broader system in which patrimonial system of not distinguishing between the public office and private sphere was hybridized with the legal-rational rule, having its origin in the Soviet Union. The main subject of our research is to analyze the model of informal power network in Georgian police, to describe its configurations and identify its social actors.

De Gruyter

Huseynov, T acrobat dc 다운로드. Transitional intervention strategies for conflict transformation in the South Caucasus.

This article discusses major policy and institutional interventions needed for conflict transformation in the South Caucasus. It examines how different forms of territorialpolitical organisation of government have been used to mitigate both violent and nonviolent conflicts and how international experience could be applied to promote peaceful resolution of the conflicts over Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Nagorny Karabakh. The article shows how the conflicting parties’ mental fixation on final status stalls peace processes, and argues that rather than discussing end-state solutions or end-state models of governance, conflict parties need to focus on interim (transitional) policy and institutional arrangements that would allow them to normalise relations and set out roadmaps for cooperation and gradual reconciliation. The article also underlines the importance of adhering to standards of good governance and human rights, as necessary preconditions for ensuring the legitimacy, and thus, sustainability, of peace processes.

Caucasus Survey

Zviadadze, S 다운로드. (2014). I ‘like’my Patriarch. Religion on Facebook. New Forms of Religiosity in Contemporary Georgia. Online-Heidelberg Journal of Religions on the Internet, 6.

Rising of religiousness is a significant characteristic of Georgian society in post-communistic period. Revitalization of religion is vivid as on individual (increased amount of religious people) as well as on institutional (increased role and authority of the Church) level.
Increased religiosity is manifested not only in a traditional form of piety (church attendness, observance of rituals), but also in expression if religion in new media (preaches of clerics on youtube, church bell as ringtones in mobile phone, picture of church as desktop photos). How is religion transferred on facebook? Is facebook a kind of space of public religiosity in contemporary Georgia?
According to recent studies facebook is Georgia’s most popular Internet platform. Facebook is a space, where people most widely and frequently discuss religious issues, whether it is orthodox religious opinions or critical understanding of religion hwidgen.mk3. Most frequently users of facebook are young people. The paper seeks to understand how religion is present on facebook and how young people affiliate with religious issues. The paper deals with the question if “religious face” on facebook correlates with religious identity in life. Therefore the aim of proposed paper is to explore new tendencies of religiosity of young people, what kind of influence does religion have on facebook in construction of identity.
Generally, the paper will try to explore the new forms of religiousness (for example asking forgiveness publicly on facebook on “day of forgiveness”) – is it performance of traditional religion through new medium or are we dealing with profanation of religion?

Uni Heidelberg

Dragojevic, M., Berglund, C., & Blauvelt, T. K. (2014). Attitudes Toward Tbilisi-and Mingrelian-Accented Georgian Among Georgian Youth On the Road to Linguistic Homogenization?. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 0261927X14555191 네이버 뮤직 영상.

Two matched-guise studies examined language attitudes among Georgian youth toward two varieties of spoken Georgian: Tbilisi-accented Georgian (standard variety) and Mingrelian-accented Georgian (nonstandard variety). Study 1, conducted in Tbilisi, found that listeners (N = 106) attributed more status and solidarity to the standard variety, regardless of self-reported regional identity (Tbilisieli, Mingrelian, other). Study 2, conducted in Samegrelo, found that self-identified Mingrelians (N = 96) attributed more status and solidarity to the standard variety, regardless of language use at home. Together, these findings suggest that Mingrelians may be undergoing a generational shift in their language attitudes in favor of linguistic homogenization.


Ó Beacháin, D., & Coene, F 다운로드. (2014). Go West: Georgia’s European identity and its role in domestic politics and foreign policy objectives. Nationalities Papers,42(6), 923-941.

This article sheds light on the Euro-Atlantic discourse in Georgia by situating it in a wider frame. It provides an analysis of its Euro-Atlantic orientation by presenting it as a continuation of past efforts to involve European powers in Georgian affairs and highlights changing trends in this aspect of contemporary foreign policy. Far from determining whether or not the Georgians are European, the different arguments that have been used to support Georgian “Europeanness” are evaluated to assess its role in the national identity construction process. Focusing primarily on the United National Movement government led by Mikheil Saakashvili, we demonstrate how the Euro-Atlantic discourse has been employed domestically by the political elite as a legitimacy management strategy and explore its function in seeking Western patronage, a key foreign policy goal.

Taylor and Francis

Kikvidze, Z., & Tevzadze, G 다운로드. (2014). Loss of traditional knowledge aggravates wolf–human conflict in Georgia (Caucasus) in the wake of socio-economic change. Ambio, 1-6.

Reports of the damage from wolf attacks have increased considerably over the last decade in Georgia (in the Caucasus). We interviewed locals about this problem in two focal regions: the Lanchkhuti area (in western Georgia) and Kazbegi District (in eastern Georgia) where livestock numbers had increased by an order of magnitude owing to dramatic shifts in the local economies over the last decade. This coincided with expanding habitats for wolves (abandoned plantations, for example). We found that the perceived damage from wolves was positively correlated with a poor knowledge of wolf habits and inappropriate livestock husbandry practices. Our results suggest a loss of traditional knowledge contributes strongly to the wolf–human conflicts in Georgia. Restoring traditional, simple but good practices—such as protecting herds using shepherd dogs and introducing bulls into the herds—can help one solve this problem.


აუცილებლად წასაკითხი სტატია

Jones, S 다운로드. F. Kakha Bendukidze and Georgia’s failed experiment. openDemocracy, January 2, 2015. Retrieved from Open Democracy

სამუშაო სტატია

Lanchava, L. (2014). Does Religious Activity Affect Childbearing Decisions? The Case of Georgia. The Case of Georgia (December 1, 2014). CERGE-EI Working Paper Series, (521).


Peter Kabachnik – Wounds that Won’t Heal: Cartographic Anxieties and the Quest for Territorial Integrity in Georgia

აღნიშნული სტატია იკვლევს საქართველოში ტერიტორიული მთლიანობის ნარატივების როლს 다운로드. პოლიტიკური რიტორიკა მას კიდევ უფრო აძლიერებს და გადასცემს საზოგადოებას 다운로드. კარტოგრაფიული “შფოთვა” და შიში იმისა, რომ ქვეყანა ტერიტორიას დაკარგავს, ქართული ნაციონალისტური დისკურსის მთავარი მიმართულებაა 다운로드. ტერიტორიის დაკარგვა, როგორც ამპუტაცია კარგად ახასიათებს კარტოგრაფიულ “შფოთვას” ავტორი ყურადღებას ამახვილებს პოლიტიკურ დისკურსზე, რუკებზე, ახალგაზრდულ პატრიოტულ ბანაკებზე, ბილბორდებზე და სხვა ლანდშაფტურ ელემენტებზე 다운로드. იგი ახდენს დოკუმენტირებას, თუ როგორ ხორციელდება ამ ელემენტების მეშვეობით ტერიტორიული ერთიანობის დისკურსის რეპროდუქცია 스프링 blob 다운로드. ეს ნარატივები, რომლებიც საქართველოს ტერიტორიულ ერთიანობას ეხება, ქართული ეროვნული იდენტობის ნაწილია და საშუალებას იძლევა, სეპარატისტული რეგიონები განვიხილოთ, როგორც მოუშუშებელი ჭრილობები 다운로드.

Kabachnik, Peter. “Wounds that won’t heal: cartographic anxieties and the quest for territorial integrity in Georgia.” Central Asian Survey 31.1 (2012): 45-60 다운로드.
