პროექტი “გეორგიკა” გთავაზობთ 2014 წლის აგვისტოში საქართველოს შესახებ გამოქვეყნებული პუბლიკაციების მოკლე მიმოხილვას.
Gilbreath, D 달빛조각사 44권 텍본 다운로드. (2014). A Tangled Path to Europe. New Eastern Europe.
Review of Bittersweet Europe. Albanian and Georgian Discourses on Europe, 1878-2008. By: Adrian Brisku. Publisher: Berghahn Books, August 2013.
აკადემიური სტატიები
Gugushvili, A., & Kabachnik, P. (2014). Stalin is dead, long live Stalin? Testing socialization, structural, ideological, nationalist, and gender hypotheses. Post-Soviet Affairs, (ahead-of-print), 1-36 영화 라푼젤 다운로드.
Recently, there has been a renewed focus on analyzing post-Soviet memory, including the rekindling of debate on contemporary perspectives of Josef Stalin. Most notably, the publication of The Stalin Puzzle has helped bring attention to the persistence of positive accounts and admiration, along with ambivalent and contested images, of the former dictator of the Soviet Union. Using survey data and multivariate statistical methods, we test five broad hypotheses – socialization, structural, ideological, nationalist, and gender – to ascertain what factors might shape people’s attitudes toward Stalin in Georgia 봉제인형 살인사건. Our analysis reveals that elderly, poor men from rural areas have the most positive associations of Stalin, whereas young, wealthier women from cities, those who are open to privatization, and perceive Russia as Georgia’s biggest threat judge Stalin negatively. Counterintuitively, non-Georgian minorities show higher esteem for Stalin than Georgians. We envision that the effects of cohort replacement, economic development, and urbanization will decrease positive perceptions of Stalin in years to come
Makaryan, S., & Chobanyan, H. (2014). Institutionalization of Migration Policy Frameworks in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia. International Migration.
This article is a comparative study of the institutionalization of the migration policy frameworks of post-Soviet states Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia since the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 구글 포토 사진 pc. All three countries share common historical legacies: a Soviet past, wars and conflicts, unemployment, high emigration, and commitment to integration into European bodies. To what extent do the migration policies of these three countries (driven by contextual forces, i.e. domestic challenges) address country-specific migration dynamics? Or are they imposed by the European Union? In which dimensions have the national policies on migration of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia evolved, and around which issues have they converged or diverged 다운로드? Have these trends led to an integration of migration policymaking at the regional level in the South Caucasus?
Goltz, T. (2014). Eduard Shevardnadze: The Silver Fox Remembered*. Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, (ahead-of-print), 1-5.
საკონფერენციო ნაშრომი
Papava, V. (2014). On the Consumer Model of Economic Development of Poor Countries (The Cases of Georgia and Russia) International Conference in Economics – EconWorld 2014
It has been shown that both in Georgia and Russia, essentially identical consumer models of development of poor countries have established 천리마마트 5화 다운로드. Stimulating consumption without proper development of real economy has led in Georgia to the fact that in recent years, import has been three times greater than export. The focus of the Georgian economy on consumption, rather than on production, is evidenced by the fact that the total volume of private and public consumption equals approximately 90% of GDP. Orientation towards consumption with an underdeveloped real sector of the economy in Georgia led to the fact that 40% of the population found themselves below the poverty line 해리포터와 아즈카반의 죄수 다운로드. According to estimates, 86% of the population experience serious social problems. Within the Russian GDP structure there was a steady trend of a negative correlation of the volume of savings and investments in fixed assets while the share of savings in Russia’s GDP did not exceed 20%. Nearly every third resident of Russia is virtually poor; i.e., in actuality, 30% of Russia’s population belongs to the disadvantaged group rather than the 9% that is recognized officially. The Russian type of poverty is characterized by a concentration of poor population in rural areas which, as a rule, is attributable to Third World countries 노빈손. In order to transfer to an innovative model of economic development, it is essential to stimulate the interest of the private sector of the economy and, towards this end, the exchange of relevant experience would prove mutually beneficial.
Nalbandov, R. (2014) Democratization and Instability in Ukraine, Georgia, and Belarus. Strategic studies institute of US War College
This monograph analyzes the interconnections between the democratic institutionalization of the newly independent states of Ukraine, Georgia, and Belarus, their political (in)stability, and economic development and prosperity 다운로드. By introducing the concept of regime mimicry into the field of public administration, this monograph extends the epistemological frameworks of the democratization school to the phenomenon of political culture. Successes and failures of the democratic institutionalization processes in these countries largely depend on the ways their institutional actors reacted to internal and external disturbances of their domestic political, econmic, and cultural environments. While Georgia’s political culture revealed the highest degree of flexibility in accepting the externally-proposed institutional frameworks and practices, the bifurcate political culture in Ukraine impeded its democratic institutionalization, while the rigid political culture in Belarus completely stalled the process of institutional transformations.